Thursday, March 15, 2007

It was a perfect fine day

It was a perfectly fine day. The sun shines so brightly and I am all up ready to face another day of work with delight and excitement in my heart. I had my breakfast, kiss my mom goodbye and hurriedly went out of the house and catch the vehicle that would bring me to my workplace.

I was saying it was a perfectly fine day even if the day hasn’t end yet because this certain person just ruined it in a matter of seconds. I was so mad and frustrated. Mad because he was acting so unfair. I don’t know if he wakes up in the wrong side of the bed today and just trying to ruin someone else’s day too. All I know is I was also mad at him. Don’t wanna go into the details, I am just writing this to let my feelings out and I know I will be fine later.

Love and Fear Collide

Why am I scared
Why am I always holding it back
Is it for fear of being hurt again
Fear that I might fall for the wrong person
But With a right reason?

Wrong person with a right reason
Sounds confusing, right?
Is there such a thing as wrong person?
There's none I guess
It's just that love did not work out
The way I expected it to be.

Many times I have loved and be loved
Fallen and get hurt
But certainly I stand up to those times I fall
With faith and courage to love
And face the world again.

But for how many times
And for how long this cycle goes on?
Anyone please tell me.
Cause my desire to Love
Is replaced with fear in my heart.